West Midlands Breast Screening Programme Breast Screening Programme
West Midlands Breast Screening Programme

The NHS breast screening programme was set up by the Department of Health, based on the recommendations of the Forrest report, which was published in 1986. The programme was launched in 1988 and it now offers free breast screening services to all women aged 50-70. The Cancer Reform Strategy (2007) outlined a further age extension to include women aged 47-49 and 71-73. This is part of a randomised trial. This trial has now ended.

Breast screening aims to find breast cancer at an early stage, often before there are any symptoms. To do this, an x-ray is taken of each breast (mammogram). Early detection may often mean simpler and more successful treatment.

Within the West Midlands, NHS breast screening is provided by eight screening units, which are designed to deliver screening services at a convenient location for all eligible women. We aim to provide and promote an efficient and effective, high quality breast screening service, to all our eligible women within a caring environment.

Read more about breast screening

Step by Step guide to breast screening

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Make or Change an Appointment

If you have been invited to make an appointment or you already have an appointment, but would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

Please click here.

Invitation for breast screening

Invitation for Breast Screening

Screening is normally organised according to your GP practice. Once every three years your GP practice will be contacted and all women between the ages of 50 and 70 will be invited.

Find out more about when your practice is due


Be Breast Aware

Become familiar with your breasts and how they change.

Learn about breast awareness

About Breast Screening

What is a Mammography

Breast Screening (Mammography) is an x-ray examination of the breasts and is a method of finding breast cancer at a very early stage.

Learn more about screening

Where We Screen

Where do we screen

We screen at various convenient places across the region.

Find out where we screen